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Episode Content Guidelines

Writer's picture: J. MileyJ. Miley

Well, Episode has released updated content guidelines and it seems the whole Episode community is in panic. It was a long time coming, as many people complained that the old guidelines were very vague and hard to understand. When Episode polled the community of their opinions about the content guidelines, they should have expected revision and clarification.

I know that many people were wanting more lax guidelines, or a creation of a section for more mature stories, but Episode is a PG13 app, so what did you expect?

What does it all mean?

For the MOST part, the guidelines didn't really change much. As someone who has gone through the story review process, and contacted Episode several times about guideline questions, most of the new guidelines are more in-depth explanations of the existing guidelines.

Sure, there have been some changes. No guns on the cover and all profanity must be bleeped out. There are a few things that I believe need further explanation, but I believe that in general, the guidelines are the same.

One change that I am happy to see, that might be an unpopular opinion is the crack down on depictions of sexual content on covers. This is a PG13 app, and as a parent of a young teenager, I cringe at some of the story covers in the romance and drama section. Some of the covers make ME, a 36 year old married woman, uncomfortable.

I call it click-bait.

If you look at the trending section, the stories with the most provocative covers, sex filled descriptions, or even the most erotic titles, have the most reads and trend at the top.

The kind of stories that trend at the top honestly make me embarrassed to say I write for the app. I have a co-worker that reads Episode. Mainly she reads my stories, but when she first downloaded the app, she even cringed at the stories being promoted.

As an adult woman and mother, she wouldn't be caught dead reading some of the stories in the trending section, and she enjoyed Fifty Shades.

But beyond the covers and descriptions, let's talk about content.

Stories that promote and glorify toxic and abusive relationships send the wrong message to young readers. Would you, as a parent, want your 13 year old daughter to think that having a boyfriend who belittled her was okay? Relationships and romance are more than just lust and desire. It's about a deep emotional connection, an intimate friendship. Romance should be about feeling comfortable to be yourself around the other person, not fear that they will degrade you. Sex without a connection is just sex and therefore should be in the Action section, not Romance.

What about the other guidelines?

Yes, I have submitted all my stories for review by Episode. The results of that review will tell me if they truly did change the guidelines or further clarified them.

I'm talking about the topics of mental health issues, specifically self-harm.

There are scenes in Speak that discuss self-harm and eating disorders, but are done in a manner that is meant to bring awareness, and also show how unhealthy it is. In the Limelight version, which I plan to later translate back into Ink, I have Doc even give specific examples of healthy alternatives to help Elizabeth on her path to recovery. While Elizabeth does think about why she cuts herself, it is to bring awareness and to help break the stigma of those struggling. At one point in the Limelight version, when Trip makes a snide comment about homosexuality, Liz points out the negative and damaging stigma of his comment. All the kind, supportive men already have boyfriends, all people with eating disorders are just want to be skinny, all girls love to go shopping, and all mutes are deaf.

The purpose of the story is to break the stigma, but also bring hope.

I hope I do not have to change anything, but if I do, I won't complain.

This is Episode's app and we agreed to their terms and conditions, and that means any changes to their content guidelines.

So what about specific guidelines. I'll try to break down what I THINK they mean.

The guidelines, word for word are in black. Things I want to highlight are bold. My comments, thoughts, explanation is in red.

Episode guidelines as of September/10/2019:

If stories contain objectionable or offensive content, we may not be able to feature or host them on Episode. Stories must always be appropriate for all readers ages 13 or older, which means content would be objectionable if it, among other things:

  • promotes or depicts excessive violence or assault, including but not limited to sexual assault, murder, and torture against humans or animals;

  • includes hate speech or content that promotes hatred or discrimination against individuals or groups, on the basis of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, marital status, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation;

  • promotes suicide, self-harm, abuse, or bullying;

  • promotes excessive alcohol, tobacco or drug use;

  • promotes gambling, betting or casinos;

  • portrays adult themes, including pornographic content, nudity, or prostitution;

  • slanders or libels a person or third party;

  • includes excessive use of profanity or sexually explicit phrases;

  • advertises for outside products or services, including but not limited to website links, reviews, and promotional language;

  • excessively promotes the use of firearms, explosives, and ammunition; or

  • excessively promotes a political agenda.

Note words that are bold.

Along the lines of what I was saying earlier. If you don't think a 13 year old should read it... don't write it. Period.

Excessive and promotes is a key words in many of these things that Episode finds objectable. It does not mean you cannot write about violence, assault, suicide, abuse, drinking, or have profanity. It means you can not use it excessively or in a manner that glorifies it, encourages it, or makes it seem like acceptable behavior.

If you are going to write about violence, assault, suicide, self-harm, drug use, or firearms, it should be done in a way that shows the negative affects, not encouraging the actions.

In addition, by submitting your story, you agree that it does not include any content that infringes on the intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party.

This may include using any of the following without permission:

  • Any copyrights or works of authorship of other parties, including excerpts or passages taken from literary works, video games, television or film;

  • References to corporate or business names; or

  • Any references to real persons or places.

Don't steal other people's intellectual property. Don't remake Harry Potter, don't take a story you liked on Wattpad and convert it to Episode. Don't take a TV show, movie, or video game, and make it into and Episode story.

Don't reference real people or real private businesses.

If your story contains a scene that could be a trigger for some viewers, you should use a content warning. A content warning is a written notice that precedes potentially sensitive content.

I am so glad they added this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use trigger warning on topics of abuse, assault, self-harm, suicide, etc.

This stuff can do mental damage to those struggling with these topics.

Let’s give some examples of what is NOT allowed on the app. Please note this is not a complete list; these are just examples. Don’t post content if you think it may violate our guidelines.

THIS is for the COVERS only. NOT the story itself.

Story Cards - In addition to all of the below guidelines, the following guidelines apply to story cards:

  • No implication that characters are having, have had, or are about to have sex. This includes (but is not limited to) any actual or implied nudity, a bed scene with more than one person, depiction of one or more characters who are sexually touching themselves or one another, images that depict sex work or a sexual act in exchange for compensation If you look at a cover, and you can say... they are getting ready to, or just had sex, or the only thing that does not scream sex is happening, about to happen, or just happened is the presence of lingerie... then it shouldn't be used.

  • No sexual props or items being used in a sexual context No whips, chains, handcuffs, Fifty shades ties, etc.

  • No nudity, even with censors HAVE TO HAVE CLOTHES

  • No guns New guideline. Curious if just guns, or does it mean all weapons? Sorry Action genre.

  • No drug or alcohol use of any kind No drugs or alcohol on the COVER

  • No profanity of any kind

  • No depiction of bullying

  • No language that relates to racism or racial profiling or stereotypes

  • Children under the age of 16 cannot be the focus, including any context of overlays and backgrounds (e.g. a closeup of a child on a swing) They can be in the background, but cannot be the highlight of the cover.

  • No use of the Episode logo This means, no stickers that have the Episode logo on it. I know in the past, people used Episode logo stickers about LGBT stories, mental health, diversity. You can have stickers, just no Episode logo.

OKAY! This is for the story ITSELF.


  • No derogatory-based words or discriminatory language (racial, homophobic, etc)

  • No use of profane language without bleeps or using an * (you can look to ratings from organizations such as the MPAA or TV Parental Guidelines to help understand what may be considered excessive for similar audiences) Can't say FUCK... must say F*CK

  • No use of sexually explicit profanity You can say F*ck off... but can't say... I wanna f*ck you!

  • No profanity of any kind in story titles This is addressed above.

Nudity / Sexual Content:

  • No depiction of sex (or anything suggesting that sex is occurring at that moment) in any form, including but not limited to, nudity in a sexual context, gyrating bodies, oral sex, or moaning/groaning. This is an OLD guideline. You can't show sex happening. You can show kissing, then fade to black or whatever. You cannot show two+ people having sex, even if it's just their feet.

  • No explicit sexual details of what is happening, has happened or will happen off-screen Can't describe sex. You can say they had sex, but you can't talk about thrusting, the sensations of orgasms, etc. NO DETAILS.

  • No nudity without censor bars or scenery to censor You have to have at LEAST a censor bar or have the bits covered if characters are without apparel. I know in the past that brief posterior nudity was allowed, if in a non-sexual context. I am curious if that is still the case (Dances with Wolves and Kevin Costner's bare ass)

  • No reference to orgies, sexual fetishes, and specific sexual positions Goes along the lines of describing sex.

  • No descriptions or depictions of non-consensual sex. Through content or through choice selection, the reader must be able to give consent to having sex or performing sexual acts (i.e. reader must always have the option to turn it down without punishment or judgment) Cannot describe or show rape. You can say it happened. You can reference it. You cannot describe details of the actual assault. Readers must be able to skip any and all depictions of assault (I do this in Speak) without being penalized as the reader. You also can't punish readers for making the choice to not have sex (I'm talking a punishment if they are given the choice to engage in romance or not). I cannot take points away should you choose not to have sex with Bradyn in The Wall. This guideline needs some clarification, I think. The last part leaves so many questions.

  • No graphic/explicit/detailed description or depiction of active, ongoing sexual abuse involving a character who is under 18 years of age. You can talk about abuse in the past, but you cannot describe current abuse of someone under 18 (rape)

  • No graphic/explicit/detailed description or depiction of illegal relationships such as incest Please, just don't include incest in a story at all, unless you are bringing awareness to the negative affects.

Drugs & Alcohol:

  • No description or depiction of active, ongoing drug, alcohol or tobacco use by characters who are under the age of 16 If they aren't 16... they can't drink or smoke. Period.

  • No graphic/explicit/detailed descriptions or glorification of the use or effects of drugs, alcohol or tobacco Don't describe in detail the effects of drugs, alcohol, or smoking.

  • No glorification of an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco Don't say that doing drugs, drinking alcohol, or smoking is a GOOD thing.

  • No characters may use hard drugs or associated paraphernalia, including but not limited to: cocaine, heroin or other injectables, non-prescription pills e.g. LSD, prescription brand or non-brand medication outside of prescribed use e.g. Xanax, unidentified powders or pills So, I am waiting to hear about this from Episode because in Verdict, the MC is a prescription drug addict, for which he GOES TO PRISON.

Assault, Violence & Torture:

  • No graphic / explicit / detailed descriptions of rape / assault / murder / torture / violence / gore / etc. This includes (but is not limited to): heavy or excessive use of blood or weapons or scars, use of dead bodies or body parts You can write about rape/assault/torture. You can use blood/weapons/scars. Just don't describe it and don't use a ton of overlays.

  • No depiction of torture or parental abuse on screen Don't show child abuse or torture actually happening.

Gambling & Betting

  • No illegal gambling or betting. This includes but is not limited to cock fighting, underground fighting or illegal sports betting Sorry, mafia stories. You can do casinos, but no fight club.

Suicide & Self-Harm:

  • No graphic / explicit / detailed descriptions of suicide / self-harm / etc. You can write about it, but can't describe the details of what the character is doing. Can't talk about the blade cutting into the skin, or whatever.

  • No depiction of suicide / self harm that is depicted as feeling good, being a relief, or a means of escape This is one thing in Speak that I have tried to be very careful about. You can't depict suicide/death/self-harm as being a GOOD thing. It is NEVER a good thing. Elizabeth thinks about why she does it, but Doc counters on it's unhealthy and positive alternatives. We'll see after Episode reviews Speak again. It was one I worked with Episode in how to portray it the right way without sending the wrong message.

  • No depiction of blood, wounds, gore or bodies resulting from suicide Can't show the body after a suicide.

Hate Speech:

  • No hate speech in any form on the basis of (but not limited to) race, ethnic or national origin, religion, marital status, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, or gender expression Just be nice.

  • No glorification of any persons, real or fictional, who promote hate No heil Hitler or Trump is the best!

  • No promotion or honoring of hate symbols


  • Authors may not advertise or promote non-Episode services or platforms on the app Don't say... go check out my Wattpad stories.

  • No excessive promotion of a political agenda

Brands, Real People and Places :

  • Brands cannot be a plot point or drive the story You can say your character is drinking a coke... but they cannot work at Coca-Cola

  • Story cards, backgrounds or overlays cannot contain brand references No logos

  • No images or illustrated likenesses of celebrities or historical or contemporary public figures are allowed as characters or on backgrounds, overlays or story cards We have never been able to use real people as characters, but I think the images and illustrated likenesses are new. Sorry, no president pictures on backgrounds?

  • Celebrities and historical or contemporary public figures cannot appear as characters We have never been able to use real people as characters. I am curious as the historical as I love historical fiction and try to keep it accurate. There goes all the research I did of the War of 1812 and the different Generals.

  • Celebrities, historical or contemporary public figures, and real places cannot be a plot point or drive the story. Yup. can't have a plot surrounding real people.

So, there are a few things I think may have been changed beyond the guns on covers, but everything else seems to be THE SAME.

I know everyone is confused right now, but MANY of these guidelines have been in place for YEARS. I will be curious how some of the changes will impact my own stories (self-harm and illegal prescription drug use) but I always make sure it is not depicted in a good way, or glorified.

Additional Notes from Episode:

  • We’ll give you 30 days from today to make the adjustments needed to meet our guidelines.

  • If your story card does not meet our guidelines within these 30 days (October 10th, 2019), it will be rejected and replaced automatically with one of our story cards.

  • You’re welcome to submit a new story card at any time after that.

  • If your story doesn’t meet our guidelines within these 30 days (by October 10th, 2019), we may suspend and/or remove your story from the platform. If you update your story to be in line with our updated guidelines after that point, you can submit for us to review your changes.

  • These updated guidelines apply across all art styles: Classic, Ink, Limelight

  • As we reach out to you, we’ll provide you with information about the guideline violation and what chapter(s) you should refer to. Note that this may not cover all the guidelines violations.

  • Episode can tell you which guidelines your story breaks, but we are not able to provide you with editorial support on how to correct those issues.

  • You can, as always, proactively submit your story for review, and we encourage you to do so if you have questions.

If you're still in doubt. Submit your story to the Episode review team. You're not going to get banned for asking to make sure the story meets guidelines. Even if it does violate guidelines and you don't ask for a review, it won't be banned unless it is over the top violations. They remove the story from the ranks until you fix it. It's not deleted. It's not permanently banned.

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