Wow! I just published Episode 7 of The Wall and hit 100,000 reads moments later. I cannot begin to express how elated and shocked I am at the reception this story has received. What started out as a joke plot, has turned into a successful story.
So... where did The Wall come from?
I haven't wanted to reveal the full basis for the plot until after I published the Episode in which the main plot point for the majority of the story was revealed. Well, that was today.
For those who have not read my Episode story "Speak", it is a heart wrenching emotional drama that often left readers frustrated. I frequently received fan mail saying "why can't you just let them be happy?".
My answer... "When everything is hunky dory, I no longer have a story."
Drama and conflict is what drives stories. The whole purpose is a set goal that must be obtained or overcome. Along that journey, comes many obstacles, that helps to build the character. In Speak, I threw a LOT of obstacles at Elizabeth, the main character, because she was on a journey to refinding herself, and learning to speak for herself again, both physically and mentally. Each obstacle only made her stronger, until she finally had the external strength to fight back, and become the butterfly.
How does this relate to the wall?
Well, I constantly got frustrated with these fan mails, criticizing me for throwing all these obstacles at Elizabeth, so I said...
"You know what? I should write a story where there is a land where everyone leaves in peace and harmony and nothing bad EVER happens... until YOU show up."
This, my friends, became The Wall.
Gaeland has existed for equivalent of two thousand years with no fighting, no wars, no violence, no suffering. Men and women are treated as equals, there are no social classes, and everyone lives in peace.
Except now, you have shown up, and have incited fear into the people that the land from which you came might start a war because of you, and change their whole way of life.
Of course, a lot of backstory planning had to happen.
Why did you go to this land?
Why do the people fear your arrival?
For every action, there is an equal positive or negative reaction.
There has to be a why... so that is what I had to develop.
So what now?
Well, without spoiling anything, your character must continue to learn about Gaeland, and try to earn the trust of Gaelon.
Not with someone who appears to have set out to undermine you and turn the people against you, feeding the fears.
Will you convince the people to accept and help you, or when war comes, will you be left alone to fight for your own freedom?